[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ello everyone; thank you for your time today. I use this blog to keep individuals and small business owners thinking about ways to improve their tax situation and keep more money in their pocket. If you are facing a tax resolution or simply want to better prepare for tax day please call our offices today or visit my website to learn more.

In my blog today I wanted to talk about four smart ways to save on your taxes. Often times individuals assume that the tax code is just too confusing and not worth the hassle to seek out tax help. Having a tax professional providing you advice and tips is a very easy way to keep more money in your pocket while paying less in taxes.


The first of my four easy steps is to keep a financial journal. It is too difficult to remember what we need three hundred and sixty five days ago which is why keeping tabs on expenses and large sums of revenue can help you make sense of it all. Any time you are out buying goods or something tax related comes to mind this a great tool to refer back to.


The second step calls for proper tax planning that starts towards the beginning of the year. Don’t start your tax planning in the middle of December when the first eleven months have already passed you by. To give yourself the most time and the most amount of runway start your tax planning on May 1st.


Your third step in saving on taxes is to put together a tax projection at least once or twice a year. Once you have six months of tax information you can start to plan for what your tax bill will eventually be.


The last step in saving on taxes requires you to increase your knowledge on taxes. This means asking your tax preparer more questions and seeking out information on how to save on your taxes.


These four easy steps can help you save money this year and for many to come. Please contact me today or browse through my website or learn how Karla Dennis And Associates, Inc.â„¢ can help you. Thanks again for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.