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By |2023-01-06T00:51:52+00:00July 3rd, 2020|

Karla Dennis and Associates Inc. Karla specializes in [...]

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Become a Self-Made Millionaire by Following These 9 Practices

By |2020-10-13T23:34:35+00:00June 6th, 2016|Blog, Financial|

If you aren’t lucky enough to inherit a million dollars, you’ll have to create wealth on your own. Relatively few millionaires inherit their wealth, so you’re in good company. Most millionaires didn’t become wealthy by doing anything spectacular. They simply have a useful set of habits that they stick to religiously. Start on the path to becoming a self-made millionaire: Deal with uncertainty. Most millionaires don’t have a “regular job” and are forced to deal with more uncertainty than average income earners. Be comfortable with uncertainty. Pay yourself before you pay your bills. Save at least 10% of your paycheck before you sit down and pay your bills. If you pay yourself first, you’ll adjust your spending to accommodate your bills. If you pay your bills first, you’ll spend the remainder and save nothing. Save your money before you have a chance to spend it.

Where to Find Financial Support for Your Brilliant Startup Idea

By |2016-04-11T10:19:32+00:00April 11th, 2016|Blog|

Consider many sources for your startup funds: Use your own finances. Instead of getting a loan or borrowing from others, see if you can finance your startup with funds you save or gather. Do you have savings that can be used to fund your new business? Do you have items or services you can sell to raise money? This may take awhile, but you might feel more comfortable delaying the launch of your company a bit while you earn the money to get it started. Ask friends and family to help. Do your family and friends think that the startup idea is a good investment that will bring high returns? If you have support from these sources, they might be interested in loaning you the startup funds or investing in your new business.