Blah. It’s February. The depths of mid-winter blues. Gloomy days relieved only by the darkness of night. A month made for curling up under the blankets and staying in bed. Sound familiar? I am sure many of you have either seen the news of winter hitting so many states this year, or are experiencing it as you read this. With the pandemic, quarantine, it seems as if 2020 could not get any worse, but now winter has set it and it’s not adding any positives. We are hearing you out and can help. 

If you’re feeling sluggish and a bit low in spirits, you may be suffering from the mid-winter blues. Luckily, we’re here with six tips for raising your spirits from mid-winter blues until spring comes along:

6 Tips to Fight the Mid-Winter Blues

  1. Exercise
    —Indoors or outdoors, exercise can work wonders in fighting mild feelings of depression. Whether you bundle up for a walk, do yoga at home or have a snowball fight with your kids, even 15 minutes of activity a day can help. We know that part of the mid-winter blues is that you can’t go outside, but you can always exercise indoors. In fact, due to the pandemic this past year, many places or trainers are offering indoor workouts and specials. If you do not want to sweat, maybe just have a dance party with the whole family and get yourselves moving, even if it’s just for a bit.

  2. Eat right
    —We tend to reach for starchy, sugary comfort foods when we’re down, but replacing those empty carbs with whole grains and adding the nutrients found in colorful fruits and vegetables will promote better moods, not to mention health. The worst part about mid-winter blues is that the holiday season is done and over with. It can be hard to let go of that easy-going food schedule you had, but it’s best to keep a balance! Be sure to drink lots of water, and eat more beneficial foods than not. 

  3. Grab some sunlight
    —When the sun appears, take advantage of it! Open your blinds and let the sunshine in. If you can, get outside and take a quick walk, go for a drive, run an errand—anything to get some of that bracing Vitamin D. We know that not all states have any sun at the moment, and that can definitely affect your mood and up the mid-winter blues. Find fun activities that you can only do in the winter and make the most of the season. We know how hard it is to go days without the sun, and there are many ways to combat that! 

  4. Start a new hobby or interest
    —Keeping your mind active lifts your mood. Take an online class, write that novel, start online singing lessons, learn to meditate, knit, or paint…the options are endless.

  5. Be social
    —Stay in touch with family and friends, even if it’s virtual—and especially if you live alone or work at home. We humans are social animals, and even introverts need love and connection. Or at least occasional communication with other human beings. Join a church group or even a club. There are many online clubs or groups on Facebook or other platforms that you can be a part of! There are even dating apps just to find friends that you can talk to. There are so many ways to stay connected and be social, you just have to look!

  6. Get cozy on the couch
    —If you’re stuck indoors, here are some useful reasons to park yourself on the sofa: Enjoying the divine medicine of laughter with a funny movie or TV show; losing yourself in a good book, or listening to upbeat music can stoke your spirits. The best thing you can do is be thankful that you have a home that is able to keep you alive and well. Enjoy the quiet times, and enjoy the season because soon it’ll be Spring. 

Say Goodbye to the mid-winter blues

This winter, why not take a cue from Scandinavians? Over the centuries they’ve spent coping with long, dreary winters, they’ve learned to embrace the practice of what the Danish call hygge (say “hoo-ga”)—a mood of coziness and comfort. It’s a time for them to enjoy being at home and spending quality time with family and friends. We hope the tips above will help you create your own feeling of hygge until the sun (and warmth) returns again.  If you want to read more of our lifestyle tips, click here!