Many parents have now been home with their children for over two months due to COVID-19. Due to the pandemic, schools have closed with not much relief as to when they will open again. For now, it has been up to parents to create a schedule for their children, and help them continue their education online. If you are looking for tips on keeping a productive household for your children, read our three steps for success. 

Create a schedule for them that they are to follow M-F

It is very easy to let your children sleep in late and go to bed late; however, this can be a detriment to their rest and yours. Many students are working from their computers and still need to be active for a class; therefore, they need adequate rest and a schedule. Other younger students may not have the ability to meet over the computer. Consequently, it has been much harder for parents of younger students. Our suggestion would be to give them a schedule they can follow and see. A whiteboard or schedule on the fridge could be a great way for them to know what they need to do on a day to day basis. Create time blocks for them to do school work, read, write, or take breaks. Schedule some time for them to be outside if it is safe to do so, and be sure to have them in bed by a certain time. This may end up being the longest summer break ever; therefore, we recommend starting a schedule for them before it is officially summer break.

Ask for help!

Being a parent is not an easy thing, let alone suddenly being at home all day, every day with your children. Many parents are also working from home; therefore, you need some time of quiet and work. If you have been busy working and haven’t had time to figure out what your child needs to be learning, ask for help. If your student has homework or schoolwork, acquaint yourself with the work, and try to find ways to help them along. If your student does not, do not be afraid to ask for help. You can contact their school, teacher, or even look online to stimulate your child’s brain and figure out what they should be learning. The main goal should be to prepare them for the next Fall, and whatever grade level they will be going into. Although it is difficult, it is okay to give yourself a break and ask for help from your partner or friends online. Everyone is trying their best, and your children deserve to keep learning and exploring the world, even if it is from the comfort and safety of your home. 

Explain to your children what is happening

Children are much smarter than many adults give them credit for. If you explain to them what is happening and why we are choosing to stay home, they may be more likely to understand why they can’t go to school. It is also important to explain to them that they are safe at home and that you need their cooperation. It may be hard for children to understand that now their home is both for school and learning and fun. Many children associate home with homework and fun, not school work. It is vital to help them understand that this is only temporary and that they need to be patient, and participate in the activities you have for them. Children hear and learn from parents, and they need to have a fun, safe home with learning, exploration, and transparency. If they don’t hear it from you, they will probably listen to it from someone else. Even the CDC has tips on explaining COVID-19 to your children so that they may better understand. 

This is a trying time for many parents, and sometimes it is okay to take a break and recharge. However, we recommend having a schedule for your children for their sake and yours. This is especially important for them to understand and hopefully give you space if you work from home. We hope that you and your family stay safe and may thrive during this time.